Monday, June 22, 2009

Damn Right, Boggs!

Wade Boggs doesn't want steroid users in the baseball Hall of Fame. Right on, Wade!

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

But did he catch anything?

An Oregon man who was reported missing by his wife has turned up...

He and his wife had a fight in which she told him if he didn't like things, he could just leave. So he did.

For a week.


No big deal, except for the fact that he didn't tell anyone (especially his wife) where he was going, and police from three counties got involved in what became a missing persons case.

Check out the full story from The Oregonian here.

No word on whether he caught anything other than hell from his wife.

Saturday, June 6, 2009

The Six Degrees of DVD Project

I've started a task for myself, in which I will watch every DVD in my collection. Not in some random order. Not even alphabetical or chronological order. Instead, I'll watch them in such an order that each film must be connected to the one that follows it by sharing an actor or director.

For example: If I watch Schindler's List, I could follow it up with Close Encounters of the Third Kind, because both were directed by Stephen Spielberg. I could then follow Close Encounters with What About Bob? since both star Richard Dreyfuss.

If you'd like to follow along on the project, you can go to or click the Six Degrees of DVD Project link on my page at

I hope you enjoy following along as much as I'm enjoying watching the movies and trying like hell to connect them all.